After a couple of snowy days at the beginning of this week, I am hoping that we have truly seen the last of the winter weather. The sakura are scheduled to bloom in this part of the country on March 26th, which is Sunday week. Come on, warm weather! Show us some love!
Luckily, the warm weather did indeed make an appearance last Saturday, which meant my kiddies could graduate under a blazing blue sky. As I have said, this particular graduation was special to me: these kids are the ones who have been with me since the beginning, and while I was not relishing the thought of waving goodbye, I was happy that I was able to be there for such a milestone in their young lives. Tears spilled, yearbooks signed, many pictures taken. It was a bittersweet day, I feel like now I have truly started the long list of goodbyes I'll need to say before I leave this country. Check out the pictures: me and the girls basketball team, who were some of the brightest and friendliest kids in the year, and me with Akiko, who is a girl who always spoke to me.
As is tradition, I spent the evening of the graduation in a smoky room with about 50 drunk parents, and 20 drunk-ish teachers. Good food, good chat, lots of beer and sake. Yeah, I had a blast! I even made it along to Awa Odori practice afterwards! But then I wound my way home to my empty apartment, and wished there was someone there to talk to. And then did my usual rounds of terrorising special people with daft emails and phonecalls.
Sunday was another musical day, and it was a lot of fun. Some of my friends and students came out to see the show, and I'm told that they really enjoyed it, so that makes it all worthwhile. Only one more show left to go!
I spent Monday lying on my couch under a pile of blankets watching a movie called 'Bandits' (Nate D: it's ok, good ending), and FINALLY after ALL THESE MONTHS I completed my 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' odyssey. Phew!
It's all go this week, what with preparing for the impending arrival of my parents , trying to start the handover of National AJET business, preparing for the BBQ I need to organise at the upcoming Touch Rugby tournament, and trying to get the frisbee tournament underway. But today, while I am planning on doing something on all those little projects, I am also planning to show my co-workers some TLC, and bake them some shortbread this afternoon.
I need a haircut, new make-up and about 24 hours of sleep.
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