
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

School's Gone Nuts!

A little add on: the school has become this hive of activity, it's amazing. It's the school culture fest on Friday, and all the preparations have gone into overdrive. Between concert rehearsals, kids preparing skits, and teachers gathering stuff for the bazaar in the afternoon, it seems madness has finally descended! A teacher just came into the room with a big candy floss machine, which fell apart when she put it down. She put it back together, switched it on, and now the room is filled with the smell of hot sugar!

At the end of the concert rehearsal today, I was chatting with my 3rd-grade girls. One of them, a cheeky but rather lovely kid called Akiko, came up to me, put her hand on my shoulder and looked very sad. Then she said "Eri... you're crazy". Just like that. I cracked up. I love moments like this!

Oh man, now the teacher is MAKING candy floss! Woo hoOo!


Kirsty Dewar said...

Omigod Ria! you never told me about big poisonous centipedes! I was just preparing for giant spiders! Kirsty xx

Ellie said...

Kirsty, DOLL, update your blog!